
7 Day Purple Candle


Harness the transformative power of the purple candle to awaken your inner wisdom, heighten your intuition, and deepen your connection to the divine. Embrace its mystical energy as you embark on a journey of spiritual growth, enlightenment, and self-discovery.


Key Features:

Symbol of Spirituality: The majestic purple candle embodies spiritual enlightenment, intuition, and divine connection, serving as a beacon of wisdom and inner guidance.
Third Eye Activation: Infused with the energies of the third eye chakra, the purple candle opens the gateway to higher consciousness, enhancing psychic abilities, intuition, and spiritual insight.
Spiritual Protection: Use the purple candle to create a shield of spiritual protection, warding off negative energies and entities while creating a sacred space for meditation, ritual, and spiritual practices.

Usage Tips:

Meditation Aid: Incorporate the purple candle into meditation practices to deepen your connection to the spiritual realm and access higher states of consciousness. Focus on quieting the mind, opening the third eye, and receiving intuitive guidance from the universe.
Divination Practices: Use the purple candle to enhance divination practices such as tarot readings, scrying, or dream interpretation. Light the candle before engaging in these practices to create a sacred atmosphere and amplify your psychic abilities.
Dream Work: Place the purple candle near your bedside before sleep to encourage vivid dreams, astral projection, or lucid dreaming experiences. Keep a dream journal nearby to record insights and messages received during the night.
Aura Cleansing: Use the purple candle to cleanse and balance your aura, purifying your energy field and releasing stagnant or negative energies. Visualize the purple light enveloping you in a protective cloak of spiritual energy, restoring harmony and balance to your being.
Chakra Healing: Incorporate the purple candle into chakra healing practices to balance and align the third eye chakra. Meditate with the candle placed near your brow center, focusing on activating and harmonizing this energy center for enhanced intuition and spiritual awareness

This candle will burn for approximately 140 hours
2 1/2″ Wide and 8 1/4″ Tall
100% Paraffin Wax

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs


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