
7 Day Green Candle


Embrace the transformative energies of the green candle as you cultivate abundance, renewal, and harmony in your life. Let its soothing glow remind you of the infinite potential within you and the abundant blessings that surround you in every moment.


Key Features:

Symbol of Growth: The verdant green candle symbolizes growth, prosperity, and renewal, embodying the abundant energies of nature and the cycle of life.
Heart Chakra Activation: Infused with the energies of the heart chakra, the green candle invites feelings of love, compassion, and harmony, fostering deeper connections with oneself, others, and the natural world.
Manifestation Aid: Use the green candle to manifest abundance, prosperity, and financial success in your life, drawing upon the fertile energies of the Earth to manifest your desires with ease and grace.

Usage Tips:

Prosperity Rituals: Incorporate the green candle into prosperity rituals or ceremonies to attract wealth, abundance, and financial opportunities into your life. Light the candle with the intention of aligning with the flow of abundance and opening yourself to receive.
Heart-Centered Meditation: Use the green candle as a focal point during heart-centered meditation practices to cultivate feelings of love, gratitude, and compassion. Allow its gentle glow to open your heart and deepen your connection with yourself and others.
Nature Connection: Take the green candle outdoors and light it in a natural setting to deepen your connection with the Earth and its abundant energies. Use this time to commune with nature, ground yourself, and recharge your spirit.
New Beginnings: Light the green candle to mark the beginning of a new venture, project, or phase in your life. Set intentions for growth, renewal, and prosperity, visualizing your goals taking root and flourishing like the lush foliage of a thriving garden.
Healing Rituals: Incorporate the green candle into healing rituals or ceremonies to promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. Use this time to release stagnant energies, nurture yourself, and invite healing and renewal into your life.

This candle will burn for approximately 140 hours
2 1/2″ Wide and 8 1/4″ Tall
100% Paraffin Wax

Additional information

Weight 2.5 lbs


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