
14 Day Green Candle


Embrace the spiritual significance of the green candle as a beacon of renewal, growth, and abundance on your journey of self-discovery and transformation. Allow its radiant light to illuminate your path, guiding you towards a future filled with prosperity, harmony, and infinite possibility


Key Features:

Symbol of Growth and Renewal: The green candle embodies the rejuvenating energies of nature, symbolizing growth, renewal, and vitality.
Manifestation Aid: Utilize the green candle as a powerful tool for manifestation, attracting abundance, prosperity, and new opportunities into your life.
Harmonizing Properties: Experience a sense of balance and harmony as you immerse yourself in the calming glow of the green candle, promoting emotional stability and inner peace.
Healing Benefits: Tap into the healing energies of the green candle to soothe the spirit, promote physical wellness, and facilitate emotional healing and growth.
Connection to Nature: Enhance your connection to the natural world by incorporating the green candle into your spiritual rituals and practices, fostering a deeper appreciation for the Earth’s abundance.

Usage Tips:
Set Clear Intentions: Before lighting the green candle, take a moment to set clear intentions for manifestation. Visualize your desires as already manifested and infuse them with positive energy and emotion.
Create a Sacred Space: Establish a serene and sacred space for your candle ritual, free from distractions. Consider incorporating elements of nature such as plants, crystals, or natural scents to enhance the atmosphere.
Focus on Gratitude: Cultivate an attitude of gratitude as you work with the green candle. Express appreciation for the abundance already present in your life and trust in the universe’s ability to fulfill your intentions.
Regular Practice: Consistency is key when working with the green candle for manifestation. Incorporate regular candle rituals into your spiritual practice to maintain alignment with your goals and intentions.
Release Attachments: Remain open and receptive to the universe’s guidance and timing. Release any attachments to specific outcomes and trust that the universe will manifest your desires in the highest and best way.

Additional information

Weight 5 lbs


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